New Access Entry

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Rivers Elementary School and the Rolling River School Division continue to look for ways to ensure the security, safety and welfare of our students/staff. As part of this practice, we will be implementing a new access control system at our school.

Beginning on October 6, 2016 all exterior doors into the school will be locked throughout the school day. We would ask that if you need to please contact the school at 204-328-7416 to arrange for your student to be taken out to you at the front entrance. We respectfully ask that all parents wait outside of the school at the end of the day for their children to exit the building. If you do not have access to a phone, please press the buzzer and a staff member will come down to speak with you.

Please address any concerns you have to Mr. Kinney at the school.


Mr. Kinney and Rolling River School Division